The Devil's Well, the most dangerous well in the world  Barhuut || ceelka ugu cabsida badan aduunka,ceelka shayaadiinta Barhuut
iceland the land of Fire and Ice  Most Astonishing Natural Landscapes of the world
Socotra Island, the most amazing and beautiful island, does it belong to Somali people or Yemen?
The king of Abyssinia who tried to destroy the Kaaba || Boqorkii Xabashida oo isku dayey inuu Kacbada dumiyo
The most amazing tribes in the world, they eat human flesh || Qabiilada ugu layabka badan adunka
Wararka ciyaaraha manta Barca oo vini u hanjabtay, BARCELONA VS REAL MADRID Messi oo xalay laga yabay , City ,liverpool
The eagle, the most powerful bird, the king of birds || Shimbirka ugu awooda badan shimbiraha
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